Saturn: Progress Notes

December 18, 2001 Progress continues. Tom is building the code to analyze the data and Diane and company continue to work on the calculation.
November 27, 2001 After several missed weeks due to holidays and travel, we all got back together for a very successful day of work. Two students have completed the 1-point Jupiter analysis. Now remains to cross-check the results for agreement. Tom and colleagues made advances on the Saturn code. Can extract year, month, day, hour and minute from character strings for processing time. It was a great day.
October 1, 2001 Resumed work with the Charter School after the summer vacation. Several new students show enthusiasm and there are 5 computers in the class to help with the programming.
March 13, 2001 Only Mr. Nacman and myself showed up this week, so there was no meeting. I can't afford too many meetings like this. I am still waiting for someone to complete the single-point, nonsymmetric shock calculation.
February 30, 2001 Diane did not show up for the session, but several others did. We started back at the beginning and tried to work through the 1-point, asymmetric shock calculation to get the simplest solution to the shock location. It does not appear that the quadratic terms will cancel, but we need to examine this closely.
February 23, 2001 The past 2 weeks have consisted of working through the one-point, asymmetric shock calculation. The students are working it as a homework project. Today, Diane and I worked on the mathematics (which she will complete for next week) while Tom and Amanda worked through the coding changes necessary to complete the Saturn project.
January 23, 2001 A good day started out bad. Only Kashyap showed up, and then he left. Tom Hughes showed up later and he, I and Mr. Nacman went down to the computer lab to work on the problem of how to retain sufficient resolution on floating point numbers to use them as time tags. We met with Shawn and together we solved the problem. It was just an output problem. Now Shawn has handed his codes over to Tom and together they will write the new 2-point analysis routine.
January 16, 2001 First meeting of the new year. David Grattino has performed the single-point, symmetric shock analysis to completion while Diana Wong and Beryl Schagger proofed it. Excellent! Today Diana began the single-point, asymmetric shock calculation on the board and got most of the way through it while Kashyap Shah took notes and others helped. The homework assignment was to finish the calculation.

Met with Shawn and the problems with the Saturn code persist. If the problems continue, we will need to reprogram in Fortran at BRI. I hope to avoid this.

November 14, 2000 First meeting in several weeks. School schedule and CWS' travel requirements conflicted with past 2 meeting days.

Noone from the Jupiter team has attempted the basic calculation as yet, so we again reviewed how it is done. The students seem to understand, so I have asked them to attempt the 3-D calculation during the coming week.

Shawn will meet with Tom and they will work to program the new 2-point solution for Saturn.

October 24, 2000 Did not meet last week due to 1/2 day schedule at Charter School.

Met today with the combined Saturn and Jupiter teams to review the basic 2-D shock equations in preparation for the Jupiter team learning how these calculations are completed. Chinton was able to finish what I had started. I asked that they try to repeat the analysis on their own and showed them how to start the 3-D symmetric calculation. The Jupiter teams seems to be smart and enthusiastic and I believe they will do a great job.

We took a group photograph for the UD Space Grant newsletter. Several students who have and are participating in this effort were missing at the time this photograph was taken.

October 10, 2000 Met with some of the new students who are forming the Jupiter analysis team. We reviewed the basic calculation for the 1-point analysis in 2-dimensions. I suggested that they review the analysis at home and attempt to complete the 3-dimensional calculation for a symmetric shock.

Tom and Chinton will meet with Shawn to program the new calculation for Saturn (the 2-point, 3-dimensional symmetric shock analysis).

Delivered first 4 publications to Anthony Pennachi who will begin to prepare an overview of theoretical predictions for the motion of Saturn's bow shock in response to changing solar wind conditions.

October 3, 2000 Tom and Chinton have found a minor error in their last calculation and will update their 2-point analysis.

Six "new" students attended the meeting. We are discussing the possibility of beginning the Jupiter analysis so that both the new arrivals and the established team can proceed unimpeded.

September 28, 2000 CWS programmed additions to this web site to bring the results of Tom and Chinton's 2-point analysis into the presentation. (See the technique section of the pages.)
September 26, 2000 Met with a small group of interested students (Tom and Chinton along with 2 others who did not stay long). Tom and Chinton have done a nice job of the 2-point analysis and will present the results of those efforts to Sean for programming.
September 19, 2000 Kickoff meeting of the 2000/01 school year. Mr. Nacman introduced the students to the problem. Two students from last year attended (Tom and Chinton) and 7 new students showed an interest.
August 3, 2000 Sean McEnany worked with CWS at UofD to write code processing the PWS data. Code successful. Will run the 16 PWS data files and graph once the units are decided upon.

Discovered error/oversight in earlier code that read binary data file of PWS data and wrote more useful ascii form. PWS data is provided in an uncalibrated form with a calibration file that can be applied by the user. Data with strong LECP interference is flagged by using out-of-range values and this possibility was omitted from the earlier processing of the data. Reprocessing was now required and performed.

All PWS files were then processed using the calibration data.

May 23, 2000 Last meeting of the school year. We will reconvene in September.

Graphics software purchased (Mr. Nacman) and installed (Shawn) and it is working.

Singe-event analysis has been derived (Tom Hughes and Chinton Hossain) and coded (Shawn). Software for extracting MAG data for graphics is working (Shawn) and incorporates the above analysis.

Analysis and software to rotate MAG and location data into Saturn-centered coordinates will be developed over the summer (CWS).

Software for processing PWS data will be developed over the summer (Sean McEnany).

Analysis for multi-point triangulation will be developed over the summer (Tom Hughes and Chinton Hossain).


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