Lecture Notes
I have placed the Lecture Notes as:
- MS Word 6.0 Files: Ch_x___.doc
- Rich Text Format Files: Ch_X____.rtf
You can download them by clicking on the filename. If you have problems, please
contact me. I will add the Notes as we move on in class.
- Introduction Ch_0_Intro.doc Filename:
Ch_0_Intro.doc ;
Ch_0_Intro.rtf Filename: Ch_0_Intro.rtf
- Chapter I, 1 - 3 (Solar Wind) Ch_I_1-3.doc
Filename: Ch_I_1-3_SW.doc ;
Ch_I_1-3.rtf Filename: Ch_I_1-3_SW.rtf
If these don't work, try the Postscript fileCh_I_1-3_SW.ps
- Chapter I, 4 (IMF): Chapter_I(IMF)
Filename: Ch_I_4-6_IMF.doc ;
Chapter_I(IMF).rtf Filename: Ch_I_4-6_IMF.rtf
If these don't work, try the Postscript fileCh_I_4-6_IMF.ps
- Chapter II: (Plasma Instruments): Chapter_II
(Plasma Instruments) Filename: Ch_II_Inst.doc ;
If this doesn't work, try the Postscript
Instruments).ps Filename:
- Chapter III: (Interstellar Gas): Chapter_III_Interstellar_Gas
Filename: Ch_III_Interst.doc ;
If this doesn't work, try the Postscript
file Chapter_III_Interstellar_Gas
Filename: Ch_III_Interst.ps
Updated Chapter III as PDF File.
- Chapter IV: (Energetic Particle Instruments): Chapter_IV_Energetic_Instr
Filename: Ch_IV_EnergInst.doc ;
If this doesn't work, try the Postscript
file Ch_IV_EnergInstr.ps
Filename: Ch_IV_EnergInst.ps
- Chapter V: (Particle Transport and Acceleration Effects) Part 1 (with
new section!): Ch_V-1_Transp_Diff.doc
If this doesn't work, try the Postscript fileCh_V-1_Transp_Diff.ps.
Filename: Ch_V-1_Trans_Diff.ps
Updated section V.2 (coupling of energetic particles) is in Ch_V-2_Tr_Accel.doc
and as a Postscript file: Ch_V-2_Tr_Accel.ps
Updated continuation of section V.2 (acceleration of energetic particles and
observations at the earth's bow shock) are in Ch_V-3_Tr_Accel.doc,
as a Postscript file: Ch_V-3_Tr_Accel.ps
The updated rest Diffusive Shock acceleration, wave-particle interaction and
other shocks) is found in Ch_V-4_Tr_Accel.doc
and as a Postscript file: Ch_V-4_Tr_Accel.ps
The Term Paper by Yihua Zheng describes acceleration
and reflection at the quasi-perpendicular shock. Yihua.doc
and Yihua.rtf
- Chapter VI: (Solar Energetic Particles and Flares): Chapter_VI_FlaresSEPs.doc_
Filename: Ch_VI_FlaresSEPs.doc ;
and as a Postscript file: Chapter_VI_FlaresSEPs.ps
The Term Paper by Jun Lin describes the effects
of magnetic reconnection and related models. Jun.doc
and as postscript file JunLin.ps
Term Papers: The Term Papers with information that is not completely
covered in the Lecture Notes or describe other valuable information are also
Note! If you are unable to copy the Lecture Notes with the
Click and Pull link through the WWW page, please download them with an FTP Command

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