III. Geometrical Models of the Universe

1. Old Ideas -

A) Paradigms

Man central -> Earth in the center of the universe
Heavens perfect and unchangeable -> motion on perfect circles

B) Ptolemy

-> moon, sun, planets, and stars move on consecutive spheres about Earth
Thus the planetary orbits require:
-> complicated model with motion on epicycles to explain the loops

2. New Ideas -

A) Copernicus (de Revolutionibus 1543)

Sun in the center; all planets (incl. Earth) in orbits around the sun
moon around Earth (still everything in perfect circles!)

B) Pros and Cons

Pro: Fewer assumptions in the model:
Natural explanation of retrograde motion of the planets (no epicycles!)
Natural explanation of Venus, Mercury being always close to the sun
Larger sun in the center of the motion

Con: Throws Earth out of the center (gets opposition by church, non-scientific)
Predicts apparent motion of stars due to Earth's motion (Parallax)

However, not observed at Copernicus' time

Tycho Brahe: made the best observations of stars and planets at that time
but did not see motion of stars -> scientific argument against orbiting Earth

C) Evidence supporting Copernicus:

a) Galileo (~1610): put things to a test (by using the first telescope for the sky):

- Sunspots --> sun rotates, thus Earth might rotate too
- Jupiter and moons --> miniature Copernican system
- Venus' phases --> can only be explained by Copernicus' model
- Sun and moon imperfect (sunspots, craters) --> heaven is not perfect
b) Supernova --> things in heaven change
c) Aparition of comet --> things in heaven change

Distance of Planets from the Sun

D) Model makes new predictions

- Can calculate sidereal periods of planets (given the synodic periods)
- Can calculate relative distances of planets (using geometry)
Easy for Mercury and Venus:
Sun, planet, Earth -> rectangular triangle at max. elongation

Criteria for Scientific Models:


for a good Model

Ptolemy Aristarch



(+ Galileo)

Assumptions a)


Earth stands still

Objects rotate about

the Earth

Earth rotates

Earth orbits about Sun

Sun rotates (sunspots)

Jupiter's moons

-> mini solar system

1) explains observations à à exact positions in sky
2) minimizes assumptions epicycles

Mercury, Venus orbit about special points

no additional retrograde motion

Mercury, Venus always close to Sun

3) new tools - relative distances of planets variing brightness of planets over orbit
4) makes predictions Stars stand still

Venus never more than 1/2 lit

Stars go with Earth's motion (Parallax)

Venus shows all phases as the moon

Not before 1835!!!

Venus' phases seen with telescope!

Non Scientific
Earth central Sun (large) central relative size (E.- S.)
Heaven is perfect Earth is part of the sun's system, i.e. similar Supernova

Comet, Sunspots, Craters on Moon

3. Kepler

Abandoned circles on observational evidence using excellent material of Tycho Brahe

Kepler's Laws

i. (1609) Planets on Elliptical orbits; sun @ one focus Þ sun special
ii. (1609) Planet-Sun line sweeps equal areas in equal times


Kepler's Laws

Implies that

Explains that

iii. (1619) Period - Distance Relation for all the planets

(average distance in AU)3 = constant * (period in years)2

(Applies also to Jupiter's moons --> laws "universal", different constant)

Implies that

"Keplerian orbits": small objects orbiting a large 'central' object
Important characteristic (we will use this later very often!!):
orbital speeds decrease at greater distances from the central object

4. Sizes and Distances

A) Relative distances

a) Sun much further away than moon

was derived from the fact that

Sun and moon are almost at right angle for half moon (Aristarch)

b) Distances of planets

in units of the Earth - Sun distance (Copernicus)
-> if any absolute distance known -> all distances known

B) Absolute distances

Local comparison with meter stick is needed to get absolute distances.

To measure the universe we start with the size of the Earth

a) Size of the Earth:

First measurement (Eratosthenes)
- sun under different angle from different locations on Earth
- angle and distance of locations -> circumference of Earth -> diameter

b) Get any absolute (i.e. km) distance in the solar system:

- distance to moon from lunar eclipse

compare the size of Earth's shadow (= size of the Earth) with size of moon

-> diameter of moon
with angular size of moon -> distance of moon

- use Earth as a baseline for parallax measurements (from 2 points on Earth)

Richer and Cassini (1672) -> derived parallax for Mars
Later transits of planets through the disc of the sun were used

- modern method: radar reflections off planets
Measure time between emission and return of radar signal
with speed of light -> distance of object

c) Planetary sizes

with known distance

measure angular size of object -> size of object

Chapter IV