IV. Physical Models

1. Galilei (ca. 1610)

Performs physical experiments

with falling bodies and balls rolling down a track
concludes that velocity increases (or decreases) under action of force

2. Newton (ca. 1700)

A) Basic laws of mechanics:

1st Law) Without any forces an object remains in its natural state:
rest or constant straight motion

2nd Law) A force accelerates an object with the mass as multiplicative constant
Force = Mass * Acceleration F = m * a

3rd Law) Interaction of two objects
Action on one -> equal and opposite Re-action on the other
Force = Counterforce

B) Universal law of gravitation:

a) Universal force on all bodies on Earth

objects -> falling to ground by gravity

Concludes that: acts also at distance from Earth

moon -> falling towards Earth by gravity
-> gravity bends natural straight path into circle

Note: Force is necessary to constantly change the natural straight path into a circle!!

centripetal force (pulling toward center) = gravitational force
is balanced by centrifugal (pseudo)-force of motion

b) Force decreases with distance

Force spread over surface area > decreases with square of the distance

c) Involves masses

Center mass pulls: > force proportional to mass in center
Mutual attraction (Newton's third law! ) > both masses in formula

Force = G*Mass1*Mass2/Distance2


d) Explains:

Kepler's 3 Laws

i) Kepler's 1st Law Ellipses found as natural orbits in gravitation

ii) Conservation of energy

Kinetic energy + gravitational energy = constant (for each planet separately)

Gravitational energy increases with distance from sun ->

Kinetic energy (i.e. Velocity) of each planet decreases

as it gets further from sun

iii) Conservation of angular momentum (analogy: ice scater performing pirouette)

Angular momentum = constant (for each planet separately).

ii + iii) -> Kepler's 2nd Law Equal areas

These conservation laws apply also to moons orbiting planets.

iv) Provides interpretation for the Constant in Kepler's 3rd Law:

For small bodies orbiting a heavy central object (planets around sun or star)

[M in solar masses] * (period in years)2 = (average distance in AU)3

But: Mutual attraction revises Kepler's 3rd Law: (Use the sum of all masses!)

[(m1 + m2) in solar masses] * (period in years)2 = (average distance in AU)3

or for circular orbits:

(m1 + m2) = (1/G)(velocity1 + velocity2)2 * (distance)

For example: Earth speeds with about 30 km/sec at 1 AU

Note: Large velocities require large masses to keep things from flying apart!

Spinoffs: predicted return of Halley's comet

Astronomy --> spawned new physical laws

3. Uses of gravity:

A) Weigh celestial bodies!!

But: With what to compare? or which are our weigths for the celestial scale?

a) Weigh Earth first -> get G (gravitational constant!)

Compare gravitational pull of known Mass with pull of Earth

Mearth = 6 . 1024 kg

b) Deduce other masses from:

Orbits of -->m1 + m2.
Moons -->Planet's mass 1.9 . 1027 kg (Jupiter)
Planets -->Sun's mass 2 . 1030 kg
Binary stars -->Stars' masses 0.1 - 60 Msun
Stars in a cluster -->Cluster's mass 100 - 100,000 Msun
Stars in a galaxy -->Galaxy's mass 107 - 1012 Msun
Galaxies in a cluster -->Cluster's mass 1012 - 1015 Msun

-> Outlook: "Missing Mass Problem" or "Dark Matter Problem":

Masses of galaxies and clusters determined from gravity are

much larger than the masses we "see" in the universe

B) Find unseen objects:

a) Small deflections of planet/spacecraft trajectories

--> masses (of planets, moons; Halley's comet) from mutual attraction
Example: Deviation of Uranus' orbit -> Discovery of Neptune (1846)
Spinoff: fancy math (Calculus, 19th century) still used today

b) If a visible star etc. wiggles -> it has a companion

Star's position wiggles Þ astrometric binary Þ discovery of White Dwarfs
modern method to find "planet" around star (51 Pegasi)
Star's velocity wiggles (Doppler) --> spectroscopic binary
modern method to find "planet" around a pulsar

C) Slingshots:

Spacecraft trajectories:
Voyagers, Galileo, Ulysses, Solar Probe used gravity
to change the energy (works because the planets are
moving) and angular momentum of the spacecraft.
Ulysses used gravity to "tip" the angular momentum of the spacecraft.

Natural examples:
Periodic comets with apogee near Jupiter
their orbit was changed by a near encounter with Jupiter
Capture of comets into orbit around Jupiter (moon assist)
collision with Jupiter (Shoemaker - Levy)

4. Earth - Moon System

A) Mutual attraction -> combined rotation about gravity center

MEarth ~ 80 * MMoon

-> center of combined rotation = center of gravity inside Earth

B) Tides:

a) Daily tides:

2 high tides and 2 low tides per day
Due to: 1/(distance)2 dependence of gravity and combined rotation
on the side of the moon gravity creates bulge
on the opposite side centrifugal force creates the bulge

Tidal day = solar day + 50 minutes (approximately).
Due to: Moon orbits Earth in same direction as Earth rotates on its axis.

b) Sun's gravity also plays a role:

> Due to Moon's pull (2/3) and Sun's pull (1/3) of Tides
> Greater tides when Earth, Moon and Sun lined up (new or full moon)

Variation of gravity with distance:

> Greatest tides when Moon closest to Earth at new or full moon

c) Consequences of the tides

i) Synchronous rotation of the moon (e.g. we see same face of our moon)

because: moon's sidereal day = sidereal month
or: period of moon's rotation = period of moon's orbit

The moon started rotating rapidly

It's tidal bulge lagged due to internal friction:

This slowed down the moon's rotation until synchronous rotation was achieved. The process has stopped now. The moon's tidal bulge now points toward the Earth because of its synchronous rotation.

ii) Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down (2/1000 sec/century)

Cause: the same process as in (i) now acting on Earth's tidal bulge

iii) The moon is gradually moving further away from Earth (4cm/year)

Cause: Earth's rotation slows down --> Earth loses angular momentum
--> moon must gain orbital angular momentum --> moon moves away

C) Precession of the Earth's Axis

Earth tumbles like a spinning top under the moon's gravitational pull

because: Earth is not an ideal sphere
flattened by centrifugal force
Consequence: NCP moves around with period of 26,000 years
-> Vega = polar star in 12,000 years

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Chapter V