Figure 1. Two minutes of data from a nightside auroral pass on January 24, 1997. From top
to bottom, the panels show the electron energy spectrogram (all pitch angles), the ion pitch angle
spectrogram for 325000 eV from an electrostatic analyzer, the H+ energy spectrogram, the
He+ energy spectrogram, the O+ energy spectrogram, energy flux (excluding the
plasma sheet population) for the
three major ion species, number flux (excluding the plasma sheet population)
for the three major ion species, and the
ELF electric field spectrogram with a line denoting the local proton gyrofrequency.
Plasma sheet ions were excluded by setting the upper energy limit of the integrations
to the energy above 100 eV with the lowest energy flux.
A BBELF ion conic is seen at 12:45:3012:45:50,
and an EMIC ion conic is seen at 12:46:1012:46:30 (these intervals are indicated with
vertical dashed lines).