At First Glance...

To discuss the limits of science and the significance of religion in one seminar is truly a remarkable experience, one that may open doors of understanding for some, and raise even thornier questions and doubts for others. However, as evidenced by the large number of students who are drawn to such an opportunity, this is a seminar worth any risk. Students range from Physics majors to Economics, Ecology, and Philosophy majors, with everything in between. Graduate students and undergraduates alike seem to enjoy the chance to express their personal experiences and questions about the intersection between science and religion. Certainly, the seminar has grown out of the desire for understanding on the part of both professors involved. Dr. Eberhard Möbius, professor of Physics, and Dr. Paul Brockelman, professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of New Hampshire, through their friendship and collaboration, discovered similar issues of interest which bridge their respective disciplines, and provided a base for the beginning of the Cosmology seminar at the University.

In the summaries which follow, the reader will be given a glimpse into the discussions which occupied the members of this seminar for the first three semesters in which it was held: 1995, 1999, and 2000. These discussions are certainly not intended to answer all of our questions; rather it is hoped that many more questions will be raised. May the spirit of exploration and discovery guide our thoughts to new heights of understanding.