Session A: Solar Minimum: Solar Wind Acceleration, Heating and Composition

Session A will focus on the 1 AU signatures of particle acceleration and heating. This includes solar wind source and acceleration remnants and solar energetic particle acceleration mechanisms that can be, at least in part, be demonstrated in 1 AU measurements. Establishing multi-spacecraft, multi-instrument cooperative studies will be a primary objective.

Our session is naturally broken into two 90 minute periods. During the first 90 minutes three people will lead ~30 minutes group discussions:
  1. Justin Kasper: Proton and electron temperature anisotropies and what they say about the solar wind.
  2. Lynn Wilson: High time resolution observations at IP shocks - particle heating.
  3. Mihir Desai: Hot ion distribution and particle acceleration - this is a continuation of his joint presentation.

During the 2nd half, we will open the floor to general discussion on the main topic and collect information on data availability and establish promising collaborative studies.